Whether there be an intermediate player or an advanced player, most of them are big fans of attacking in chess. Numerous people have the natural tendency to go for crazy sacrifices, risky combinations, and wild games. Who wouldn’t be? As humans, nearly all of us would prefer an exciting game over a defensive, boring, and reserved one.
All of this begs the question, “How do you play offensively in chess?” Well, in this article, I’ll be going over the ways of attacking successfully in chess.
Activity above everything:
Morphy and Fischer favoured this, so why shouldn’t you? Most of the time, it’s often tempting to grab a pawn or give a check, but playing an offensive game isn’t just about capturing pieces or giving checks. When attacking, you need to make sure most of your pieces are active. The more pieces you have developed, the easier it will be for you to prepare for an assault. Try to find openings in which you can develop your pieces at a quick pace. As a general rule, first, try to bring the knights out, then the bishops, try to castle and connect the rooks, and finally bring your queen out. If you’re in the middle game, try to align your pieces in such a way as to target the enemy’s king. Keeping these in mind, you’ll significantly improve at playing offensively in chess.
Defense is the best offense:
Quite a contrary statement but, trust me, it works. What’s the logic here? Well, it’s simple. You want to play offensively in chess; the majority of us want to play offensively. However, in the end, our main priority is to win the game by checkmating the opponent. What’s the point of building up an insane attack when you get checkmated in the next move? Before going crazy with your onslaught, make sure none of your pieces are hanging. They should be arranged in a way to make sure all of them defend one another. You also need to make sure your king is safe. The easiest way to do it is by castling. Many people make the mistake of going all out in an attack while their king is still in the center. Your opponent can easily take advantage of this, leaving you in an unpleasant position. Therefore, keep in mind that defense first, offense later.
Keep the position open:
If you are a big fan of attacking, it’ll be to your advantage to keep the position as open as possible. One way to do this is by exchanging some pawns in the center. By doing so, you get a chance to smoothly set up your pieces to target the enemy’s king. Though, keep in mind that by opening up the position, your opponent also gets the option to target your king easily. If this is a situation you’re comfortable with, try to apply it as much as possible.
With this, I conclude this article on “How to play offensively in chess.”
If chess is something you enjoy, coolmathgames.com is a spectacular site where you can play chess with random people. It provides the best experience with minimal ads. In addition, you can choose from various time formats. Moreover, it’s up to you whether you want to be black or white in any game you play, an option not available on many sites. Finally, with an elegant board and pieces, an enjoyable time is guaranteed.
Click on the following link if you want to go and play chess right now!